Are you an individual, organization, industry, small and medium size enterprise striving to bring a change by turning towards sustainable flexible large area printed additive manufacturing technologies ? If so? EMERGE is offering state of the art research infrastructure for you,
All fully pre-funded and sponsored – “FREE”
Emerging Printed Electronics Research Infrastructure (EMERGE) an EU Horizon project offering pioneering state of the art research infrastructure supporting comprehensive user projects for leading-edge multi-and-trans-disciplinary research on sustainable flexible large-area printed electronics and photonics (FLAPEP).
Connecting Science…More than Science
To know more about EMERGE offerings at RISE – Contact yusuf.mulla@ri.se and duncan.platt@ri.se
Watch brief introductory video about EMERGE
Apply for small projects that can be executed upto ten working days related to wide range of focus areas such as:
Functional materials
Flexible electronics
Printed electronics
3D printing
Green electronics
Smart diagnostic platforms
Flexible energy sources
and many more….
All fully sponsored “FREE”
Infrastructure and services offerings categorized into four transnational activities (TA)
EMERGE so far, in nutshell…
visit https://emerge-infrastructure.eu/ for more details
Experiences of past EMERGE users… https://emerge-infrastructure.eu/success-stories/
Testimonial by Andrew Simpson Technology Engineer @ Syenta, Australia and Mohammad Yusuf Mulla Project manager for EMERGE @ RISE.
Testimonial by Marc Vizern (BDO) from Rotimpres, Spain about their project related to their journey towards sustainable NFC tags and their experiences of EMERGE project at RISE labs.
Testimonial by Pavel Kulha and Maximillian Scherf from Profactor GmbH https://www.profactor.at/en/
Elin Howard from Ynvisible GmbH https://www.ynvisible.com/ and Jessica Åhlin from RISE-Printed Electronics talk about EMERGE and PEA
Call for projects open until end of every calendar month until June 2025.
Contact us for pre-discussions about prospective EMERGE project with RISE and partner institutions.